Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Super Mamma = Super Baby! After a mere 5 hours of labour, down from 24 for baby #1, Little baby girl appeared on the scene. 4:58 am Mountain View, CA; 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long. Big Girl!

Using breath work and deep humming, Mamma was able to give birth completely natural, no drugs (brave woman) and no complications. Our midwife Linn deserves a ton of credit. After delivering Evan, we have total trust and faith in her Wisdom and Knowledge. She did put me to work though, pulling and guiding that slippery one out!

Hopefully, pics will be up soon and a name announced too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hai congratulations adarsh,
you must be a proud man
i just talked to heleen on the phone and now ì am drying my so so so happy tears wish i could be with you
send my love to the big brother evan
greetings greetje