Love, Love, Love....
Love, Love, Love....
Love is all you need!
The Beatles said it, and I agree. Love is all you need. And in this household, everyone needs there love. This is what I mean:
Just before 7am, with even more regularity than my alarm clock, Evan "goes off." It's time for him to get out of bed and entertain us for the next few hours. Of course, little Maya is in the mix too.
What a sweet baby girl, just wants to be held (but don't we all.) She gives a little cry to say, "Hey pick me up, too!"
Why not? Two babies, two arms. Poor mamma, at least I get a "break" when I go to work, she is on duty 24/7. Feeding, cleaning, watching, worrying...
By 1pm, the babies are down for a nap. Finally a moment to myself to lie flat....But who's that bounding up onto my chest? Kitty!
"Oh, Hi kitty. I love you too...I know, I know, you need your snuggles too."
Kitty is easy to please. A few minutes of earnest stroking and he is set. Of course he would still rather sleep on my face if I don't mind...
Oh yes, didn't I have a wife somewhere amongst all these children?
I have to find out if she is getting her snuggles....
We all need Love
(the Beatles play out) "Love, Love, Love. Love, Love, Love. Love, Love, Love. All you need is Love...