Did you know that we have not had an Internet connection in our home for the past 3 months? This is unheard of for residents of Silicon Valley. Well, we are almost there. Since we are staying through the Summer here in Florida, we've put in our order with Comcast. Soon the equipment will arrive and we will officially connect with the outside world again. I can see it now. Buying those needful things from Amazon, little Huggie checking his email, Heleen updating her status on facebook and me posting blogs from time to time. In fact my next post will begin our
Top Ten Things to Do in the Florida Keys
Stay tuned!
1 comment:
dag lieverds, daar ben ik weer
als ik jullie foto`s bekijk is het net of jullie altijd vakantie hebben, zo mooi ziet het er uit
hier alles goed
en evan, verlang je alweer naar marieke? wij allemaal wel naar jou! en pappa en mamma
groetjes van ons en een dikke smok
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