I've been wanting to write an extensive piece on my new life with our angel Evan but somehow I don't get to it....surprise surprise..... Life has been busy with visiting family members. Both my sisters have just left on Saturday after spending 10 days with us. It was wonderful to have them here and I miss having them around already. Now Adarsh his mom is here for the week which is also lovely. Since Evans arrival I've been going through a time warp rollercoaster. I don't know where all of it goes but all I can say now (because Evan is calling ;-) is that I am deeply in love with our little man and there is nothing more I'd like to do then spend my time with him. I will do my best to write some of what I'd like to share with you soon so stay tuned. For now you can see three of my favorite pictures of my two favorite men.

Love to you all who have shared in our bliss so far,
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