Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Family Bike
Today, while cycling home from work through the pouring rain, I realized how much I've missed using a bicycle as the main form of transportation. Since moving away from Europe it's been minimal in my daily life and I didn't realize how much I actually did miss it. Now it's become one of the best things about living in Taipei.
We all go on and we all go everywhere. Here's proof of how we get around....
Love to you all, Heleen
Vandaag, terwijl ik van mijn werk naar huis fietste, realiseerde ik me hoeveel ik het gebruiken van een fiets als voornamelijk vervoersmiddel heb gemist. Sinds ik Europe heb verlaten is de fiets minimaal in gebruik geweest bij mij en ik realiseerde me niet hoeveel ik het eigenlijk mistte. Nu is het een van mijn favoriete voordeel van het wonen in Taipei.
We gaan er allemaal op en we gaan overal naartoe. Hier is het bewijs hoe we overal komen....
Liefs aan allemaal, Heleen
We all go on and we all go everywhere. Here's proof of how we get around....
Love to you all, Heleen
Vandaag, terwijl ik van mijn werk naar huis fietste, realiseerde ik me hoeveel ik het gebruiken van een fiets als voornamelijk vervoersmiddel heb gemist. Sinds ik Europe heb verlaten is de fiets minimaal in gebruik geweest bij mij en ik realiseerde me niet hoeveel ik het eigenlijk mistte. Nu is het een van mijn favoriete voordeel van het wonen in Taipei.
We gaan er allemaal op en we gaan overal naartoe. Hier is het bewijs hoe we overal komen....
Liefs aan allemaal, Heleen
Friday, October 28, 2011
halloween 2011
It's been quite a while since we've published here. Last year at this time we were celebrating Halloween in Palo Alto, probably one of the best places to celebrate this fantastic holiday. Since Evan is a big fan of wearing costumes and putting on shows, halloween is his favorite holiday. We got a little nervous as to how we can create Halloween in Taipei for him and Maya and were pleasantly surprised that it is celebrated in some spots, especially the schools.
So we've been practicing dressing up a lot and yesterday was our first party at Space Yoga.
Evan was an astronaut:

Maya didn't like her pumpkin costume so she wore her favorite dress with her angel wings:

Daddy was a space cowboy and mommy a good witch... It was fun.

Then this morning the kids had more fun dressing up like cowboys:
So we've been practicing dressing up a lot and yesterday was our first party at Space Yoga.
Evan was an astronaut:

Maya didn't like her pumpkin costume so she wore her favorite dress with her angel wings:

Daddy was a space cowboy and mommy a good witch... It was fun.
Then this morning the kids had more fun dressing up like cowboys:
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Stretching Website Now Live
After months of hard work, we've finally got our new stretching website up. It has full body AIS routines. Let me know what you think!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Hanging out at home....
April 30 is a big day in Holland, it's queens day and lots of celebrations around the country are taking place. Here in Taipei is a Dutch expat organisation who invited us to join so we did...
Evan took part in a lot of fun stuff. This is called "koek happen". You get blindfolded and try to eat the "koek" that's dangling from a piece of string. Evan loved doing it but he didn't like the "koek". He had just eaten a chocolate chip cookie he decorated himself and this one wasn't as good.
Evan loves, loves, loves to dress up. Most of the time at home he is batman in his batman costume but his all time favorite is being a tiger. The school he went to in Palo Alto had a tiger costume and on our orientation there he saw it, put it on and did so for the rest of his time there. Every day the costume came out so he was very happy today to become a tiger again.
Then there was an event that especially mommy really liked: throwing water balloons at daddy! Unfortunately though Evan had a hard time throwing it high enough so daddy was lucky to stay dry.
Fun day....
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Look at her go now!
Our baby girl has been having a rough time with her skin. She's very allergic to dairy and most likely termites and mold. She has eczema. It's been worse here in Taiwan since the humidity brings a lot of mold. But....this girl is not too bothered by it all, just happy go lucky and walking like a champ now. Thought you might like see her go for a happy stroll around the house.....
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
school trip
Last Saturday we went on a school trip with Evans preschool. We left at 8:30am on the bus to a farm where the kids would learn how tomatoes grow and how chickens help out around the farm. At the end the kids could go around and pick their own tomatoes. they tasted absolute delicious! And Evan was very precise about which tomato to pick ;-)
After that we went to a beautiful farmers market at a local Waldorf school. It was the perfect setting with gardens and playgrounds all around the school. The sun had come out and we all enjoyed a delicious vegetarian noodle lunch with a tasty salad. All organic and fresh.
After lunch we got back on the bus to drive to the highlight of the day: planting rice seeds into the earth. Moms and dads had gotten a little tired at this point but after arriving at the mud field, energy moved back into the body and we observed so much fun, laughter, gliding and sliding. It was hilarious. Again Evan was very precise about his planting
And of course throughout the day, everybody was wanting to touch, hold and love on Maya. She was a little sick that day and pulled through like the little tough girl she is.
The school apparently organizes a trip every 3 months. We also get a note book every Friday with updates on what Evan learned and did that week. Throughout the weekend we can then write down information on Evan we think might benefit the teachers and so forth. I personally think this school is amazing. They give so much attention and care into their children, it's wonderful. I haven't seen a school like this anywhere and am so happy to have stumbled upon it because we happen to live in the neighborhood. I had been very overwhelmed when it was time to find Evan a school back in California and turned out to not be so happy with the one he eventually went to. Now we can't be happier and on top of all the positive experiences with the school he learns Chinese too. He just taught us the little Chinese prayer they say before they have lunch in school (which is also provided by the school by the way!!).
Now I'm off to take Maya to story time at the library (we happen to live near the biggest Library in Taipei who do English speaking story times). Maya took 3 steps by herself yesterday! Stay tuned for a video coming soon.
Blessings, Heleen
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Kobe Bryant & Me
While scrolling through the google news the other day, i caught a headline to the effect of "Kobe Bryant's season may be finished due to ankle injury." This reminded me of the many stories that i heard while visiting the clinic of Active Isolated Stretching founder Aaron Mattes.
One story in particular was how Michael Jordan had a potentially season-ending ankle sprain, but with the immediate application of Active Isolated Stretching and ice, he was back on the court by the 3rd quarter of the game.
Just yesterday, while running after my 3 year old, I turned my foot in a funny way on the sidewalk and tweaked my ankle. It did hurt a little, but in the moment i did not pay too much attention. During the middle of the night, I woke to have a drink of water. When I got out of bed, my ankle was very sore. I limped to the kitchen and then hobbled back to bed.
In bed, I stretched the foot for a few minutes for relief then nodded off to sleep with the worry in my mind that I would be limping along the yoga studio the next day...
The next morning, with ankle pain and minor swelling still present. I went through my normal quick routine of a shower and coffee/tea and sat down for a few more minutes of stretching. About halfway though my AIS calf/foot sequence I had an audible "pop" in the foot. After cycling to the yoga studio and completing my normal asana practice, my ankle felt normal.
I felt very empowered (and lucky) to be able to quickly and effectively treat and injury that may have put me on the bench for days or weeks...I'll keep stretching the area over the next few days to make sure that I'm in the clear, but as of now, it feels really good and stable.
Good news for Kobe too, he was able to return to play a few days after his sprain.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A Day in the Life
I am often asked what a typical day is like as a yoga teacher, so i thought today i would post a little timeline:
-3:40am The alarm on the cell phone alerts me with it's cheerful ringtone to "Rise!"
-(this morning provided the special challenge of having not slept very much since both children are sick. One found his way into bed with us, and pretty much pushed me out...)
-3:50 Negotiate with my sleepy body to get out of bed. The promise of a coffee reward helps
-4:10 After a quick shower, I am awake (more or less). Hop on my bike and cycle the 15 minutes to the yoga studio.
-4:25 Sneak past the sleeping security guard at the Space building
-4:27 Smile to myself as the "Ding!" of the elevator awakens security guard
-4:35 Arrive on the mat for practice. Although sleepy and stiff, a little yoga always seems to do the trick.
-5:55 Students begin arriving for Mysore Practice
-6:30 Rouse myself from Savasana, time to go to work
-6:35 After splashing cold water on my face, still feel a little "yoga drunk," begin assisting students
-9am With Mysore class finished. I rush home to check on the kids. Heleen has taken Evan back to the Dr. since he is still not well after a nasty ear infection.
-9:45 Everyone arrives back home, crying...Evan is in pain. We put on a DVD, seems to help pain.
-10:05 After a little coffee pick-me-up, I bike back to the studio.
-10:30 Teach Hatha Yoga class. I tend to be spontaneous in sequencing these classes. Today focused on proper shoulder mechanics in postures. Was a very nice session. I am very lucky to have such focused students (whom actually laugh at my bad yoga jokes!)
-12:15pm Bike home. Kids are down for a nap, sort of...After a little fussing, get everyone to sleep including Heleen...
-2:35 After lunch and another savasana, back to studio for afternoon Mysore Class.
-4:30 Post Mysore, visit the Apple store to check on my laptop that we dropped off in January, the 4th time I've visited & the 4th time it is still not repaired. I remain calm and polite...
-5pm Arrive home and am so happy that Madame has supper almost finished (am especially hungry). The kids are better and actually eat their food.
-6pm Everybody loves bath time! Bubbles and giggles, all is well with the world.
-6:30 Read several bedtime selections highlighted by The Three Bears by Byron Barton, one of our favorites.
-7pm Kids in bed.
-7:05 Write this blog post
-After, will hang out with madame, talk about how we are too tired to watch a movie. Will catch up on the latest Charlie Sheen news instead.
-9ish Off to sleepy land (while praying for uninterrupted sleep)
-3:40am Repeat
-3:40am The alarm on the cell phone alerts me with it's cheerful ringtone to "Rise!"
-(this morning provided the special challenge of having not slept very much since both children are sick. One found his way into bed with us, and pretty much pushed me out...)
-3:50 Negotiate with my sleepy body to get out of bed. The promise of a coffee reward helps
-4:10 After a quick shower, I am awake (more or less). Hop on my bike and cycle the 15 minutes to the yoga studio.
-4:25 Sneak past the sleeping security guard at the Space building
-4:27 Smile to myself as the "Ding!" of the elevator awakens security guard
-4:35 Arrive on the mat for practice. Although sleepy and stiff, a little yoga always seems to do the trick.
-5:55 Students begin arriving for Mysore Practice
-6:30 Rouse myself from Savasana, time to go to work
-6:35 After splashing cold water on my face, still feel a little "yoga drunk," begin assisting students
-9am With Mysore class finished. I rush home to check on the kids. Heleen has taken Evan back to the Dr. since he is still not well after a nasty ear infection.
-9:45 Everyone arrives back home, crying...Evan is in pain. We put on a DVD, seems to help pain.
-10:05 After a little coffee pick-me-up, I bike back to the studio.
-10:30 Teach Hatha Yoga class. I tend to be spontaneous in sequencing these classes. Today focused on proper shoulder mechanics in postures. Was a very nice session. I am very lucky to have such focused students (whom actually laugh at my bad yoga jokes!)
-12:15pm Bike home. Kids are down for a nap, sort of...After a little fussing, get everyone to sleep including Heleen...
-2:35 After lunch and another savasana, back to studio for afternoon Mysore Class.
-4:30 Post Mysore, visit the Apple store to check on my laptop that we dropped off in January, the 4th time I've visited & the 4th time it is still not repaired. I remain calm and polite...
-5pm Arrive home and am so happy that Madame has supper almost finished (am especially hungry). The kids are better and actually eat their food.
-6pm Everybody loves bath time! Bubbles and giggles, all is well with the world.
-6:30 Read several bedtime selections highlighted by The Three Bears by Byron Barton, one of our favorites.
-7pm Kids in bed.
-7:05 Write this blog post
-After, will hang out with madame, talk about how we are too tired to watch a movie. Will catch up on the latest Charlie Sheen news instead.
-9ish Off to sleepy land (while praying for uninterrupted sleep)
-3:40am Repeat
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Yoga Thailand
It's been a few years since Adarsh and I taught a yoga class together but we are happy to have that opportunity again from May 14-21 at Yoga Thailand.
Our friends Paul and Jutima Dallaghan started and build the Yoga center many years ago and have grown from a sweet Thai style retreat center to a luxurious stylish wellness center that offers all amenities one could desire. It's right on the beach, has a pool, is in the middle of lush greenery, has airconditioned comfortable rooms, is peaceful, offers child care and has lots of sun year round. Check out: (see the link on the right)
We plan to have a lot of fun practicing Yoga, learning about Yoga and AIS and laugh a lot. We love going to Yoga Thailand and hope you can join us and experience a very special time for yourself and/or with your family. Evan and Maya will be there if you're children are looking for a playdate on the beach :-)
See you soon
Our friends Paul and Jutima Dallaghan started and build the Yoga center many years ago and have grown from a sweet Thai style retreat center to a luxurious stylish wellness center that offers all amenities one could desire. It's right on the beach, has a pool, is in the middle of lush greenery, has airconditioned comfortable rooms, is peaceful, offers child care and has lots of sun year round. Check out: (see the link on the right)
We plan to have a lot of fun practicing Yoga, learning about Yoga and AIS and laugh a lot. We love going to Yoga Thailand and hope you can join us and experience a very special time for yourself and/or with your family. Evan and Maya will be there if you're children are looking for a playdate on the beach :-)
See you soon
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Evan started school on Monday and the school sent us pictures of his first 2 days there. On day one he hardly had the time to say goodbye to me when I dropped him off and on day 3 it's still that way. The poor guy had been missing his buddies back home a lot so he's very happy to go and play with all the kids every day. It's a fully Chinese speaking school so he should be able to translate for us very soon ;-)
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