Now that I've experienced it I have to say that it's a really fabulous tradition. As a first time parent it can get overwhelming to figure out what one needs. What clue do we have? The baby shower took care of all that anxiety and it's so wonderful to feel all the support from the community around us.
My first baby shower was organised by my dear friend Brenna. It was a shower for me only with only girls attending. Even baby sons and male dogs weren't allowed in. It was an intimate setting at Brenna's home and I was absolutely touched to see my close friends gathered together and mainly by them sharing in my happiness I feel about our soon to be born baby. I was very touched by all of their generosity, friendship and care.
The second baby shower was organised by our friend Ross who invited the entire Yoga community here in Mountain View. This time it was for everyone, men and women alike. I was grateful for that because I'm good at standing in front of a group as a teacher but being the center of attention privately is another story.....I was very happy to have Adarsh by my side to receive the blessings together. Below you can see the pictures of the happening, again it was overwhelming to have so many people come and share in our joy and to shower us with so many generous gifts. Adarsh and I are overwhelmed by the amount of gifts and by the sweetness and love everyone has given us throughout our pregnancy. We feel very blessed and very grateful and can't wait to show off our little man :-)