Here is a crazy picture of me being all domestic baking cookies. Me! baking cookies. What can I say, I'm quite the kitchen goddess these days and I'm blaming it all on the mama hormone. Lets see how long that holds up ;-).
I've got 4 weeks to go till due date which is quite amazing. I still remember so clearly being in India this year in May where I found out we were pregnant. We had just finished our first week at the Shala in Mysore and that was it for me as you don't practice Ashtanga in the first trimester. That was a bummer but to be honest I didn't care as I was over the moon about this little wonder inside of me. I remember our ultrasound at the lab in Mysore clearly too. Here we were in a waiting room with only Indians staring at us, probably wondering what these westerners have been up to again ;-). It was definately special to have our first scan and appointment with the gynaocologist done in India. After all it's the place where we met so it was quite appropiate to complete the circle this way. Well....to have our baby in India would be the real deal but we opted out of that because I wasn't up for that (do I need to explain?).
So here I stand in our kitchen, ready for a new phase in life. I think I still don't realise what's coming to me, my brain is still thinking about things I want to do next year that I probably wont be able to but he.....it's good to keep on ones toes right?
We've planned our boy's first big trip around the world already as we'll be teaching in Thailand in June 2008. That'll be fun, this boy is going to be a travelling one :-)
For now, have a blessed Christmas and a new year full of love, compassion and happiness