Monday, December 17, 2007

Completing the circle

Here is a crazy picture of me being all domestic baking cookies. Me! baking cookies. What can I say, I'm quite the kitchen goddess these days and I'm blaming it all on the mama hormone. Lets see how long that holds up ;-).
I've got 4 weeks to go till due date which is quite amazing. I still remember so clearly being in India this year in May where I found out we were pregnant. We had just finished our first week at the Shala in Mysore and that was it for me as you don't practice Ashtanga in the first trimester. That was a bummer but to be honest I didn't care as I was over the moon about this little wonder inside of me. I remember our ultrasound at the lab in Mysore clearly too. Here we were in a waiting room with only Indians staring at us, probably wondering what these westerners have been up to again ;-). It was definately special to have our first scan and appointment with the gynaocologist done in India. After all it's the place where we met so it was quite appropiate to complete the circle this way. have our baby in India would be the real deal but we opted out of that because I wasn't up for that (do I need to explain?).
So here I stand in our kitchen, ready for a new phase in life. I think I still don't realise what's coming to me, my brain is still thinking about things I want to do next year that I probably wont be able to but's good to keep on ones toes right?
We've planned our boy's first big trip around the world already as we'll be teaching in Thailand in June 2008. That'll be fun, this boy is going to be a travelling one :-)
For now, have a blessed Christmas and a new year full of love, compassion and happiness

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

baby showers

Here are a few pictures of our second (aren't we spoiled?!) baby shower. Being from Holland I wasn't really used to this shower thing; wedding shower, baby shower..... Where I'm from you don't give gifts untill the baby is born but here in the States they do. A month or two before the baby is due a friend organises a party for everyone to come and shower the expecting parents with gifts. The tought behind it is to help the new parents to get the things they need.

Now that I've experienced it I have to say that it's a really fabulous tradition. As a first time parent it can get overwhelming to figure out what one needs. What clue do we have? The baby shower took care of all that anxiety and it's so wonderful to feel all the support from the community around us.

My first baby shower was organised by my dear friend Brenna. It was a shower for me only with only girls attending. Even baby sons and male dogs weren't allowed in. It was an intimate setting at Brenna's home and I was absolutely touched to see my close friends gathered together and mainly by them sharing in my happiness I feel about our soon to be born baby. I was very touched by all of their generosity, friendship and care.

The second baby shower was organised by our friend Ross who invited the entire Yoga community here in Mountain View. This time it was for everyone, men and women alike. I was grateful for that because I'm good at standing in front of a group as a teacher but being the center of attention privately is another story.....I was very happy to have Adarsh by my side to receive the blessings together. Below you can see the pictures of the happening, again it was overwhelming to have so many people come and share in our joy and to shower us with so many generous gifts. Adarsh and I are overwhelmed by the amount of gifts and by the sweetness and love everyone has given us throughout our pregnancy. We feel very blessed and very grateful and can't wait to show off our little man :-)

Monday, November 12, 2007


I thought I'd write down a few notes on what is going on for me in my Yoga practice at the moment. I've been having some physical challenges with an instabil pelvis which is causing me pain in my left back/bum/leg. Walking is painful and pretty much everything else needs to be done with a lot of attention to have as little pain as possible. I'm 7.5 months pregnant, apparently it's a common thing....

So every day I am religiously doing the exercises the physio therapist gave me in the hope it will get better soon. I had stopped my Asana practice for a week because I was told that my flexibility is creating the problem and stretching the muscles makes it worse. Truly, it just wasn't happening. This morning I couldn't help myself and thought I'd give it a try and see what happens when I do SuryaNamaskar A. Boy oh boy, that's where my internal challenge woke up brightly..... My Asana Yoga practice had been a challenge since the beginning of my pregnancy but today I was incapable of doing anything, my body resisting in many ways. It has been frustrating to hear all the stories about Ashtangis who can keep up their practice during pregnancy without any problems. They drop back in backbends, practice whatever series and stay strong throughout. Being a teacher (and admittedly having quite an ego) you want to be one of those stories, a strong example. Especially after all those years of practice I never doubted that's how it would be for me. But here I am, 7 months pregnant with a body that is resisting strongly, not capable of even doing a Sun-salutation. For this physically ambitious lady that is a tough nut to crack so a big cry came out. After a good stint of waterflowings I soon realised that this is one of the first lessons towards motherhood; accepting what is going on, a change in priorities, I am not in control. At the same time I also realised that this is a phase and like everything else in life it's temporary. Slowly I am getting to the point that for now my Yoga practice is: acceptance and surrender.

And so I step on that mat and observe what is there, taking one breath after the other. A Yoga practice indeed.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

proud and handsome dad

This picture was taken at a Yoga party and isn't our baby going to be mega cute with a handsome dad like that?! You can see it makes me very happy....

Baby boy is growing steadily, his little head is down already and my midwives believe he will stay this way till he's ready to pop out (which is approaching soon now....).

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Finally, some kitty action

I just found this picture of kitty in- action. It's not the most flattering of me- oh well. And in case you were wondering, yes, I do seem to be sleeping on top of my cat. Really, he doesn't mind.

This pic with Heleen is much cuter.
He was a little fella then!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

baby's nose coming out

Adarsh is comparing his belly to mine but I'm afraid he can't keep up....

Adarsh vergelijkt zijn buik met de mijne maar hij houdt het niet bij....

Wasn't planning on publishing this publicly but friends (and Adarsh) who saw it thought I should, so here you's the real thing....

Wilde deze eigenlijk niet publiek maken maar vrienden die het zagen vonden dat ik het wel moest doen, dus hier is het.....het is reeel....

Friday, October 5, 2007

San Francisco

I thought I'd show you all a place we like to go and enjoy the view of San Francisco. I think it's just gorgeous. For all of you who will come and visit once the baby is here.....we'll take you to this place!
Little baby is growing well, my bellie is expanding every day and he likes to make sure I know he's still there by kicking my insides. It's a lot of fun. I'm happy to say that my Yoga practice is back on track since a couple of weeks. Modified of course but it feels good to do it again and I'm happy to maintain some of my strength and flexibility. Little baby seems to enjoy it too cause he's all quiet while I do it. He doesn't like me to bend back very much so I'm not doing much of that (finally a good excuse ;-). I can't believe I am already entering my 3rd trimester!

Dit is een plek waar wij graag naartoe gaan om te genieten van het uitzicht op San Francisco. Ik vind het prachtig. Voor al degenen die bij ons op bezoek komen als de baby er is.......deze plek zullen we je laten zien!
De kleine hummel groeit goed, mijn buik groeit elke dag en hij laat me weten dat hij er nog is door me goed van binnen te schoppen. Het is erg grappig allemaal. Ik ben blij dat mijn Yoga weer op rail is. Met een aantal veranderingen natuurlijk maar het voelt eindelijk weer goed om het te doen en ik ben blij dat ik mijn kracht en flexibiliteit op peil houd. De kleine man geniet er ook van want hij is lekker rustig als ik het doe. Hij houdt er niet zo van als ik teveel achterover buig dus dat doe ik niet zoveel (eindelijk een goed excuus ;-). Ik kan het niet geloven dat ik al aan mijn 3e termijn begin!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

gussied up

Look at Heleen looking beautiful at 6 months pregnant! She even helped me to put a part in my hair for the "Casablanca" themed party we attended for our good friend Andre's 60th.

Kijk hoe mooi Heleen eruit ziet met 6 maanden zwanger! Ze hielp me zelfs een scheiding in mijn haar te maken voor de verjardag van onze vriend Andre die 60 jaar werd. Het thema van het feestje was de film "Casablanca".

Friday, September 7, 2007

Holiday back home

A serene scenery next door to my friends house in Groningen, Netherlands. We are having a great time cycling and hiking through beautiful nature and spend quality time with family and friends. More soon......................
Nederlands: een rustige plek vlak naast mijn vriendin haar huis in Groningen, Nederland. We hebben een fantastische tijd met het fietsen en wandelen door prachtige natuur en brengen kwaliteit tijd door met familie en vrienden. Gauw meer......

Saturday, August 25, 2007

keeping up

I remember a few years ago when I was first interested in starting a blog- i was advised that i would have to post often and keep it fresh. Hmmmm, I'm not sure if I'll make it as a daily blogger (especially since this is my FIRST post on our 2 month old blog), but I do hope for this to serve as a little place to keep in touch with family and friends.

I would like to create a nice interface between this blog, our facebook pages, and our yoga website. This way, you all can see photos, watch videos, read our thoughts and generally be able to keep up with our various ramblings and adventures.

Presently we are in between house-guest hostings. Over the last weeks, we have visitors from Taiwan, Norway, and Italy- more are arriving today (Germany and Britain). It's very cute to have folks in our little home. Actually, we are so happy to be in a position to have friends stay at ours- it seems we are paying forward the hospitality that we've been shown over the years as travelers.

On a "me" note: I'm having an especially contented day. I am aware of the many blessings in my life and the ongoing opportunity's that my little family and I have. Thanks for reading!

ps we'll see how well Heleen does in translating all of this to Dutch for the benefit of those back in the old country.

Ik herinner me dat ik een aantal jaren geleden, toen ik voor het eerst geinteresseerd was in het beginnen van een blog, geadviseerd werd om het op-to-date te houden. Ik weet niet zeker of dat me lukt sinds dit mijn eerste post is sinds 2 maanden maar ik hoop dat deze paginas een plek wordt om met familie en vrienden in contact te blijven.

Ik wil graat een buffer creeren tussen deze blog, onze facebook paginas en website. Op deze manier kunnen jullie allemaal foto's en video's zien, onze gedachtes lezen en over het algemeen op de hoogte blijven van onze avonturen.

Gedurende de laatste weken hebben we heel wat gasten in ons huisje gehad, van Taiwan, Noorwegen en Italie en vandaag arriveren Duitse en Engelse vrienden. Het is erg leuk om gasten in ons kleine huisje te hebben. We zijn superblij dat we in een positie zitten waar vrienden bij ons kunnen blijven- het is alsof we de gastvrijheid die wij over de jaren als reizigers hebben ontvangen, terug kunnen geven.

Wat mij betreft: Ik heb een speciale tevredene dag. Ik ben me bewust van de vele zegeningen in mijn leven en de continuerende mogelijkheden die mijn kleine familie en ik hebben. Dankjewel voor het lezen!

ps we zullen zien hoe goed Heleen het doet in het vertalen van dit verhaal in het Nederlands zodat degene thuis het ook kunnen lezen.